April 01, 2008

Pre-event IIT Commencement 2008

April, 1st corresponds to the day when we picked up our regalia (cap and gown) for the graduation day on May the 17th. This event waas followed by a free food and free activities at the bog until 6pm.

And if someone has nothing to do the 17th of May and want to see the graduation ceremony, i got some extra tickets so that they can take some pictures xD
Ticket description:
Each ticket and regalia has a definite color according to the department:
IIT Armour College of Engineering
- Electrical and Computer Enginnering: ORANGE
- Mechanical Engineering: DARK BLUE
- Civial, Architectural Engineering: DARK GREEN
- Chemical and Biological Engineering: WHITE
- Biomedical Engineering: BLACK
IIT Center for Professional Development: CRIMSON
IIT College of Architecture: LAVENDER
IIT College of Science and letters
- Biological, Chemical, and Physical Sciences: LIGHT GREEN
- Computer Science: YELLOW
- Social Science and Applied Mathematics: LIGHT BLUE
- Humanities: GOLD
IIT Institute of Design: DARK PURPLE
IIT Institute of Psychology: PINK
IIT Stuart School of Business: BROWN

Finally as you can see the tickets got the correct color but not one part of my regalia (the dress)...
Seems that they believed that I am from the Stuart School of Business ... but nevermind I am not against receiving 2 degrees :P


Lili said...

Ah lol joel en 'robe' ( je sais pas trop comment ca s'appelle...) Haha j'attendais cette photo avec impatience =)

Anonymous said...

Lol bah tu peux venir si tu veux, je te reserve une place ;)
Et jte la donne apres stu veu mdr