November 28, 2007

Black Friday !

Here are the photos taken during the "Black Friday" (thanks Patrick )
So before going to shopping..........................

And after shopping......................

Just some night shopping... (photos of the Sears Tower near the Union station )

It was very tiring, everybody was KO except some... :D ( maybe he doesn't need to close his eyes when he is sleeping...:P)

Now let's 猜谜语 :D
在这照片上,那么多的包子是多少男人买的 ? xD

And finally, special photo for persons who likes chocolate :P , so that they can realize that they missed something this day and maybe they should be there :)


Anonymous said...

我知道! 是一个人 xD
把店里所有的衣服全买光了 :P

Joelz said...

LoooooooooooooL NO!
我也不知道买什么给你:P 有那么多的东西...不知道从那里开始找...啊啊

Anonymous said...

Haha tu dors !!! Bouh fallait prendre la photo de plus pres quand il dort xD.
Wah tous ces chocolats oO n'oublie pas de m'en acheter ;)