But why not spending some good time such as going to the cinema and paying 8 dollars for 4 films ... :P. Here are the films that we watched:

and Vantage Point to finish :P
Atonement: Medium film with a lot of boring parts ("too slow") but don't understand how this film get 7 oscars ... :S
10 000 BC: Nice film with some strange parts but in general = good film. And thanks for the advice Hanlu :D
Doomsday: Euh very strange film with a lot of unexplained facts ... nevermind :D
Vantage Point: So nice film that it was the second time that I watched it xD
Then nothing more ... except sport at IIT and welcome to Sebastien (yeah another Sebastien :D)
Coming activities: Spring roll, hair cut :P and sport :D and maybe some hw, project and midterm :(