Another day in New York :D
After visiting all the most famous building and attractions, we visited some other "small" places.
First, this is the war ship used for the film "I am a legend" :P
This ship is in Staten Island for reparation... but it seems to be THE ship used by Will Smith for his golf party :P

Haha and then in the subway, nice dance of Michael Jackson with a well-done Moon walk :D
I didn't upload the video because of a problem with its compression and its format :S
But I know someone who is watching carefully how to do a nice moon walk :P

Another place: Madison Square Garden. I think it corresponds to a place where several famous sportsman played like :

Another big building in New York: the library composed by several buildings. This is one of them :P

Several small parks are in Manhattan. Here is the Bryant Park, one of them, which is not very big (Central Park is the biggest one):

Finally, the Lincoln Center: it is a cultural place with several arts organization.

There will be no more photos of New York :)
The last day is reserved for shopping :P
A word for my extended family in New York: thanks a lot for accomodating me :D
你们待我那么好,我不知道这么谢谢你们 :D
Bye and take care ;)