December 31, 2007

Happy New Year !!!

For this new year, we just have a big meal in family :D and for this time, I cooked some "nems" in French and 春卷 in Chinese :P (don't know how to say that in english ... )
Anyway I wish a happy new year to everyone :D 祝大家新年快乐 !

December 25, 2007

Surprise :D

Yahou, got a "nice" paper in his mailbox :p and maybe it should be an other grade but I don't care.............. I will take my revenge !!!

December 15, 2007

Chicago by night :D

Some photos of the Millenium park and one big Christmas tree :)

December 13, 2007

Fall Semester over !!!

Yeahhhhhhhhhhh it is the end of the Fall semester :D
Waow very hard week with all the finals projects... but now it is officilally the vacations :D (almost got a meeting with my advisor about the project xD meaning homework for the winter break :P). Now just rest and have fun in Chicago :D

And now let's do it in chinese xD
Yahou 秋天学期完了。
这个星期是特别难,有那么多的考试和大计... 可是现在是暑假了 :D (差不多因为我们跟我们的advisor 还有开会, 为了我们八月大计, 看起来还有作业 :P)
从现在可以开始“吃喝玩乐” 啊啊

(Wow not so easy :D)

December 11, 2007

Finals !!!

Hehe many final exams this week: 4 in 2 days with a one day break between each day.

First one: Vlsi design = can't be harder :P and this allowed cheat paper was useless xD but containing more information that the one for the midterm ( where there are only 10 formulas and that's all but results in many points lost for nothing ... :P)

And some other cheat papers are much better xD. Just for fun :P

December 08, 2007

礼物送给我妹妹 xD

Hey 小黎, 这penguin送给你。可是我不能把它带过去。:D
也许我得等它没有气的时候。。。 :P

Wow some smart pigeons ...

Amazing photo xD (thanks Dvd)It seems that Chicago pigeons are more clever than Paris pigeons ...... THEY INVENTED FIRE !!! Maybe the beginning of the pigeons ' era ... :D

December 01, 2007

Oh it is snowing ...

This is what happened in less than 15 minutes :D
It will be funny when I go to IIT with this weather but it is for a good reason..............: Happy Birthday Germain ;)